This program offers seniors 60+ opportunities to socialize, exercise, gain insight and be knowledgeable about aging issues throughout each month.
From Breaktime Club to Caring Cafe, The Northland Shepherd’s Center provides a variety of resources and classes to caregivers and their loved ones.
Technology help and classes held in the tech center. PC’s for use for learning new skills, one on one sessions to learn to use smartphone, tablet or laptop. Call for an appointment.
Community Aging Specialists can assist you in accessing available resources such as Medicaid, commodities, utilities, home weatherization and more!
Northland Shepherd’s Center sits in the middle of the top low-income & low-food access tracts of our area which affects over 3,000 older adults. That number will only be growing in the years to come.
The Northland Shepherd's Center provides Life Services as a simple helping hand for northland seniors. Shopping help, regular check-in calls, home repairs, etc.
Northland Meals on Wheels’ purpose is to supply meals at or near cost to homebound older adults, over the age of 60, in southern Clay County.